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Synthesis of news related to Gruma February 2021
February 2
THE U.S. WILL CONTINUE TO DRIVE GRUMA RESULTS: ANALYSTS (MILENIO.COM) (DINEROENIMAGEN.COM) Mexican company Gruma will continue to report positive results, driven primarily by rising sales in the U.S. market and a positive exchange rate effect, caused by the strengthening of the U.S. Dollar against the Mexican Peso given the uncertainty of the ongoing health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
February 5
CORPORATE MINUTE BY ROBERTO AGUILAR. (EL SOL DE MÉXICO 17) Preferred Shares. Actinver, managed by Roberto Valdés Acra, presented its first capital markets performance report for Mexico and the United States this year. We found two relevant topics in this document, the first of which includes the shares preferred by its stock market analysis team, listing: Femsa, Fibra Uno, Arca Continental, Alfa, Genomma Lab, América Móvil, Grupo Financiero Banorte, Gruma,Fibra Prologis, and Fibra Macquarie.
February 8
COVID-19 ‘INFECTS’ Q420 REPORTS WITH POOR RESULTS. (EL FINANCIERO PP-16) Companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) will begin to publish their Q420 results this week amid a complicated outlook due to the effects of the coronavirus and the closure of non-essential operations in certain entities in December. In the fourth quarter, according to El Financiero surveys, the five issuers with the largest operating cash flow (EBITDA) increases will include Peñoles, Grupo México, Gruma, Grupo BMV, and Cemex, with 140.5%, 58.3%, 17.2%, 15.4%, and 15.2% increases, respectively. Specialists affirmed that Gruma would report solid results, due primarily to increased sales in the U.S. retail channel and rising product prices.
AGRI-FOOD TRADE BETWEEN MEXICO AND THE U.S. UP 3% IN 2020. (EL DÍA 5) (EL SOL DE MÉXICO ONLINE 0) (EL HERALDO DE MÉXICO ONLINE 0) (LA JORNADA ONLINE 0) SADER, Mexico’s Secretariat of Agriculture, reported that the agri-food trade between Mexico and the United States amounted to USD 51.872 billion in 2020, representing a 3% annual growth, during a virtual meeting held by SADER Secretary, Víctor Villalobos and other officials, including SENASICA Director, Francisco Javier Trujillo, and the Director-General of Attention to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector, Sol Ortiz García, with members of the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce (USMCOC), including its President, Albert Zapanta, the Senior Advisor to the US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce and former Head of Economic Affairs at the Embassy of Mexico in the United States, Sergio García, and Ingredion representative, Luz Nájera Colunga, and Francisco Martínez Saldívar representing Gruma, among others.
February 9
FOURTH QUARTER, THE INTERNAL LIFESAVER. (EXCÉLSIOR 2) Analyst estimates seem to indicate that the fourth quarter of the year was a lifesaver for some of the leading companies in our country with their improved sales and profits. “We expect mixed reports from the companies listed on the S&P/BMV IPC, with estimated sales, EBITDA and net profit growth reports of 0.4%, 5.9% and 25.3%, respectively,” said analysts at Monex. According to the brokerage house, the winners will be Grupo México, Peñoles, Genomma Lab, Gruma,and Ienova.
BÁRCENA HIGHLIGHTS USMCA RATIFICATION IN FAREWELL MESSAGE. (LA JORNADA ONLINE 0) In light of her imminent departure from the Mexican embassy in the United States, Ambassador Martha Bárcena offered a farewell message on Monday. She highlighted the achievements of her two-year tenure at the head of the most important diplomatic seat for our country. The ambassador created a plan to tour cities with political allies, a large Mexican community or the presence of Mexican companies such as Gruma,Cemex, Envases Universales and Bimbo, while also visiting 16 cities in 11 states, including the Laredo border.
February 11
THE MOST GLOBAL MEXICAN COMPANIES (AMÉRICARETAIL.COM)) A select group of Mexican companies has sought to expand beyond our borders. In the last five years, sales of the top 100 Mexican companies outside the country—based on operations—increased their dependence on foreign countries from 36% to 42%, on average. It is notable to see the case of certain Mexican companies currently reporting 70% of their sales abroad- These include Vista Oil & Gas (98.5%), Accel (88.3%), Orbia (81.1%), Cemex (78.7%), América Móvil (76.4%), Jose Cuervo (75.6%), Grupo Industrial Saltillo (75.4%), Mabe (75%), Cementos de Chihuahua (73%), and Gruma (72.8%).
February 13
CONSTANT INNOVATION, THE KEY TO GRUMA’S GLOBAL SUCCESS. (MILENIO ONLINE 0) Since its founding in 1949, Mexican multinational Gruma has been known for its continuous innovation, which has led it to position itself as the world leader in the production of nixtamalized corn flour, tortillas and wraps. However, the current health emergency caused by COVID-19 provides a clear view of the fruits of the funds invested in improved production processes and product diversification in the markets in which it operates. According to the report: Innovative Hispanic Food Market Trends, Growth Drivers Analysis 2021-2030, prepared by Market.Biz, innovation is driving competition in the food sector in a market pressured by the economic effects of the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The report describes Gruma as one of the main suppliers worldwide, thanks to its innovation. Thus, despite being a Mexican company, more than 70% of its revenues come from outside Mexico, primarily from its top market, the United States of America. Part of this innovation includes practical ready-to-use mixes to make traditional dishes in different countries across America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
February 24
GRUMA INCREASES ITS EBITDA BY 23%. (EL NORTE 11) The popularity of tortillas among Hispanic and other ethnic groups in the United States, an increase in sales and volume in practically of the territories it serves, and rising product prices contributed to Grupo Maseca (Gruma) increasing its operating cash flow (EBITDA) by 23% in Q420, compared to the same period in 2019. This increase translated into MXN 3.912 billion, as the margin improved from 16.4% to 17.8%. Its report sent to the Mexican Stock Exchange registered MXN 21.940 billion in sales, 13% higher than the sales reported in the same quarter in 2019. Gruma closed the year with a solid performance characterized by a stronger preference for tortillas by consumers worldwide, primarily in the United States, according to the company.
TORTILLAS ‘FATTEN’ GRUMA RESULTS. (EL FINANCIERO 28) (EL ECONOMISTA 33) (24 HORAS 16) (EL HERALDO DE MÉXICO 30) (EXCÉLSIOR 1) (EL HORIZONTE – FINANZAS 20) During Q420, Gruma reported a 23% annual increase in its operating cash flow to stand at MXN 3.912 billion, compared to the MXN 3.18 billion reported in the same quarter of 2019. “With the results reported at the end of Q420, Gruma closed the year with a solid performance, characterized by a stronger preference for tortillas by consumers worldwide, primarily in the United States and especially among non-Hispanics. The company’s EBITDA from operations outside of Mexico represented 76% of its consolidated figures, notably 12% growth by Gruma USA and 70% growth by Gruma Europe. In its report sent to the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), the Mexican multinational reported that it closed the year with a solid performance, characterized by a stronger preference for tortillas by consumers worldwide, primarily in the United States and especially among non-Hispanics.
ALICIA SALGADO / CHECKING ACCOUNT. (EXCÉLSIOR 5) (DINERO EN IMAGEN.COM) Funding and the Reasoning Behind It. (0Play on words) #Gruma... Tortilla preferences and offers adjusted to consumer preferences for low-carb and healthy food products (nixtamalized corn or super-soft wheat), explain the 13% rise in Gruma’s net sales, the 23% increase in operating cash flows, and the 14% growth in net profit, in addition to the reduction of its liabilities that now stand at a net debt/EBDITA ratio of 1.5x. All of this is in addition to the fact that under its current global footprint, 76% of its revenues come from its external sales, and that it maintained its investment commitment (CAPEX) to MXN 1.222 billion to expand its market in Spain, the United States and Mexico (corn tortillas in Monterrey). The only thing left to describe will be the 2021 guide to make its price take off, as it ensures higher dividends.
ALFREDO HUERTA / FINANZAS 24 Y NEGOCIOS. (24 HORAS 16) Gruma announced its Fourth Quarter 2020 results. Gruma,a company in the food sector, reported a 13% increase in sales, with a 23% increase in its operating cash flow (EBITDA) and 14% in net profits. The interesting thing about this company is its diversification, since its Sales and EBITDA from operations outside of Mexico represent 74% and 76%, respectively, of its consolidated figures.
GRUMA REPORTS MXN 21.940 BILLION IN SALES. (EN LOS TIEMPOS DE LA RADIO) Juan Manuel de Anda: During the fourth quarter of 2020, GRUMA reported MXN 21.940 billion in net sales, for a 13% growth compared to the same period in 2019.
RODRIGO PACHECO: MEXICAN COMPANIES SALES REPORTS. (IMAGEN INFORMATIVA (NOCTURNO) Rodrigo Pacheco: Corporate reports on fourth-quarter results: Gruma’s revenues in the United States were up 11%, Gimsa grew 7%, Bimbo sold MXN 381 billion with 13.4% growth in revenues in Mexico and 1.9% growth in North America, for 22% growth.
GRUMA REPORTS AN INCREASE IN SALES.(MILENIO NOTICIAS TV (16:00 A 17:00) Magda González :GRUMA reported that at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020, its sales increased 13% compared to the same period in the previous year, standing at MXN 21.940 billion, according to the report it sent to the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV).
TORTILLA SALES BOOST GRUMA RESULTS. (IMAGEN NOTICIAS TV CON FRANCISCO ZEA) Global tortilla consumption boosted Gruma’s financial results in the fourth quarter of 2020, primarily in the U.S. The tortilla maintains its position as a fundamental ingredient in consumer diets. Despite the sanitary restrictions imposed by the pandemic during the fourth quarter of 2020,Gruma invested USD 60 million primarily in its operations in Europe, the United States and Mexico.
February 26
GRUMA ANNOUNCES POSITIVE QUARTERLY RESULTS. (EL ECONOMISTA ONLINE 0) Gruma reported MXN 21.940 billion in revenue in Q420, for a 12.8% increase compared to the MXN 19.442 billion reported last year, with its 14.4% increase in net income. Net sales were up 13%, reflecting growth in volume and higher average prices in the tortilla products portfolio in the United States and price increases in Mexico in early 2020.Gruma results also benefited from the peso’s weakness in foreign transactions. Sales outside of Mexico represented 74% of its consolidated figures.
THE INCOME CODE. (RENEGADO ONLINE 0) The pandemic lives off bread and tortillas. Good for Bimbo and Grupo Gruma. The two big food companies announced their financial results, which were not bad! Gruma states it clearly: “With the results reported at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020, Gruma closed the year with a solid performance, characterized by a greater preference for tortillas by consumers around the world. In the United States, net sales were up 9% in the period, driven primarily by the retail channel (supermarkets and grocery stores). Net sales were up 13%, EBITDA (before taxes and others) grew 23%, and net profits were up 14%.”… To be envied!
GRUMA EXPECTS TO DOUBLE ITS CAPITAL INVESTMENTS THIS YEAR. (EL ECONOMISTA ONLINE 0) (INFOBAE) (UNI 2 NOTICIAS) (REUTERS ONLINE (ESTADOS UNIDOS) 0) (INVESTING.COM ONLINE 0) (MSN ONLINE 0) Gruma,the Mexican corn flour and tortilla manufacturer, plans to raise its capital investments to USD 320 million in 2021, said the company’s Chief Financial Officer Raúl Cavazos on Thursday. Gruma,with a presence in more than 100 countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Oceania, allocated USD 164 million to capital investments in 2020, according to its financial report for Q420.
February 28
CHINA, RUSSIA AND INDIA, KEY TO SUPPLYING VACCINES TO MEXICO. (LA JORNADA PP-15) China, Russia, and India have contributed the largest number of vaccines to Mexico’s strategy to fight the coronavirus across the nation. Experts explained that these three nations are key to the commercial diversification plan implemented by President López Obrador’s administration, aimed at reducing dependence on the United States. According to information published by the Secretariat of the Economy, there are close to 1,200 Chinese companies operating in Mexico that invested nearly USD 1.417 billion in the country in 2020. Some of the leading Chinese companies operating in Mexico include Lenovo, Huawei, Hisense, and Jac Motors, with investments by Mexican Carlos Slim. Several Mexican companies also operate in China, led by Bimbo, Maseca and Nemak. Several Russian companies also leverage labor costs in Mexico with operations in both the aeronautical and energy sectors, including Lukoil, Russia’s largest oil company. On the other hand, Mexican companies Binbit, Gruma, Katcon, Kidzania, Mexichem and Nemak, have operations in Russia.
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